Publication date 1st January 2018
About the book
A task a day to cure a broken heart. Esme Peel is approaching thirty with some trepidation, but hope in her heart. If she can just get her long-term boyfriend Andrew to propose, she will have ticked everything off her things to do by the time you are 30 list.
She didn't reckon on finding another woman's earring in her bed however, and soon she finds herself single, homeless and in need of a new plan.
Her best friend Carys gives her the perfect present - The Single Girls Calendar - which has a different cure for heartbreak every day.
Day 1: Look and feel fabulous with a new hairstyle.
Day 2: Step out of your comfort zone and try something new.
Day 3: Reconnect with friends and enjoy!
Despite thinking its a bit of gimmick, Esme hasn't got any better ideas, so she puts the plan into action. By the end of week one she has four new male housemates, despite a broken heart she is determined to show Andrew she can do more than survive, she can thrive.
My Review
As soon as I heard the name of this book and seen the cover for it, I was excited to read it! I knew it would be good!
I absolutely loved the character Esme, my heart just went out to her she's just had a disaster and had every girls worst nightmare happen to her, the worst bit was it was so unexpected!
I couldn't believe how quick things moved in this book, like within a few days Esme had a completely new life and I felt so happy for her. From the minute she got the room in the boy's house she was just a different person completely she seemed a lot stronger and happier and we seen her having lots of laughter and fun!
A few points in the book and I was so annoyed I just wanted to tell Esme to pull herself together. Another part near the end I just could not believe what I was reading!
I was excited to see what was behind each other little doors! I loved this idea! It gives single girls something to focus on and look forward to each day!
The Single Girl's Calendar is hilariously good! Its pure fun and feel good! A bit like Bridget Jones but better!
About the Author
Erin was born and raised in Warwickshire, where she resides with her husband. She writes contemporary novels focusing on love, life and laughter. An ideal day for Erin involves writing, people watching and copious amounts of tea. Erin was delighted to be awarded The Katie Fforde Bursary in 2017 and previously, Love Stories New Talent Award in 2015.
Erin Green's Contact details
Twitter www.twitter.com/ErinGreenAuthor
Facebook @Eringreenauthor
Website www.eringreenauthor.co.uk
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